Tuesday, June 14, 2011

By: Rodel Delaper
"Daan" is a native word which means “for awhile” or in tagalog “sandali.” The Tagbanua tribe originally lived along the seashore in Western part of Palawan. They are very far from the capital city, Puerto Princesa. Aborlan is one of the nearest municipal and it is located in the Eastern part. Since there is no transportation operating in this area, the native spends about 9-10 hours hiking while carrying their products to be sold in town. After crossing rivers, you will arrive at the other side of the mountain. This place has a lot of big trees, plants, flowers, wild fruits, honeybees, and different kinds of birds and animals. Every time they reach this place, they usually say "papa' na daan" which means, "let's take a rest first."
 According to local history tribal groups (they called "Diwan") invaded their lands by force - some were taken as servants, and others were threatened with their lives. Because of fear and cruelty of the foreign tribes, they left their place and moved from the mountains. There is no other place they had in mind but the place where they usually take rest - Mount Daan. From that time on, the Tagbanua tribe lived in Daan. Later, it became a sitio of  their original land, Barangay Apurawan. This is our Mission field, but it is no longer the beautiful and peaceful place they once had.
The Tagbanuas have their own beliefs, culture, and behaviors but vices and other bad influence from the lowland have already taken root in the lives of the Tagbanuas.
The story of Tagbanua tribe could be related to the history of Israel out in the bondage of Egypt, God promised them a better land to possess. The Tagbanua tribe was free from the other tribes that conquered them but they were still slave in the bondage of sin because of their beliefs, lifestyle, and vices. That’s why we are here to bring freedom and lead them to the true land of promised.
Paul says, “For you had compassion on those in prison, and joyfully accepted the plundering of your property since you knew that you yourselves had a better possession and abiding One. Therefore do not throw away your confidence which has a great reward, for you have need of endurance so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised.” Hebrews 10:34-36. God bless us!!!

 Daisy is checking the blood pressure of this old woman. Health care is 
one of the everyday activity of the missionaries in the field.

 Rodel is giving Bible study to their Bible interest. There is 
still a lot more who haven't heard the gospel!