Stories and Pictures

By: Rodel & Daisy Delaper

      Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven Mat 5:16 
                Manong Andoy was the guard in Berong Elementary School.  Berong was the center of the barangay and is about 30-45 minutes walk from our village. Manong Andoy is one of our active native converts. 

One day, his wife came to our house asking for charcoal powder. I asked her what happened and she said that her husband was severely ill.  Without second thought, I went with her. When I arrived in their house, I saw Manong Andoy lying on bed. He was so weak and thin. His eyes were already deep because he was dehydrated.  He suffered from diarrhea and vomiting.   Immediately, I asked him to drink the charcoal powder.  I also made an oresol which will serve as his drinking water. We have prayed for him. The following morning, Manong Andoy came  back to work in the school. The people were astonished especially the teachers because they are the ones who aided him to get home.  “Who healed you and what medicines did you take?” they asked. “I drank charcoal powder which our Pastor gave me. They prayed for me and miraculously, I was healed,” he happily answered. “Fortunately, your pastor is a doctor too!” they added.
                Few days had passed; Manong Andoy came to our house asking for charcoal powder.  He said that two of the teachers have diarrhea and they asked a favor from him to get medicines from us. “We would like to meet your pastor too,” they said.  The teachers were healed. Also, because of this, every time we go to their place, the people were very friendly to us. They became our Bible interests. There was also an Adventist family who was a long time backslider but became active again. We still persevere on ministering to the people in Berong.


By: Rodel Delaper


Amay Aging is one of the tribal leaders in this village and one of our converts. Every time there are problems or issues, people come to him. Amay Aging takes the opportunity to share God’s Word whenever he has visitors. He is old, and his feet are already weak. He could no longer walk around the village to give Bible studies as he used to do when he was strong and able. So what he is doing right now, when people go to him presenting issues in the village, he gives Bible study first before they continue with the issue. He also do this with his family & relatives that are not yet baptized. Amay Aging has also a Bible student, despite his illness and weakness, he forces himself to go to his students’ house to study God’s Word.
Like amay Aging, let us make time for sharing the gospel to others. In every place, anytime, in any situation, wherever you are & whatever you do. As what Paul says, “Redeeming the time for the days are evil.”

By: Rodel Delaper

Sabbath morning my partner and I went to church very early. We prayed silently and started singing.

Aka Tina always went to church very early every Sabbath but this morning, we arrived first. About 100 meters away from the church, she heard many voices singing. She hurried, thinking that the Sabbath School has already started. But when she arrived in the church, she only saw the two of us. She said breathing so hard, “I thought the Sabbath School has already started and I am already late, I thought we have a lot of visitors today.” We asked her why. “I heard many voices singing when I was nearing the church.” 

There were angels singing with us that Sabbath. I thank God for showing us He is with us.  We’re inspired and very glad that day. I’ve already heard some stories similar to this but when I experienced it personally, I was convinced that we have companion of heavenly angels as we work for the perishing souls.